I Am A Woman INTRODUCTION: After birth, as we grew, we were taught to understand the implication of our gender, the consequences of making wrong actions and attributes that distinguish you from the male gender. For some of us, we raised questions, our minds wondered ‘Why is it so hard to be a woman or a girl, as the case may be?’ But other times, we uttered words like ‘Thank God I'm not a man'. So we found ourselves accepting our gender definition when the condition was favorable and appealing, and also wishing we had made another choice, if we could, as far as gender was concerned. May I remind you that once you cannot accept or appreciate the fact that you came as a woman, you would always find fault in ‘being a woman', you would never consider yourself good enough as a woman. CAN I BE ANYTHING ELSE? Let's talk about me for a moment. I am a woman (well, I would define myself better as a Lady, with respect to age and marital status). But, the list progres...