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“People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.”
― Myles Munroe.

Hello beautiful damsel...

Have you ever felt empty, that nothing you do gives life a meaning?

Of course, you have tried so hard to bring something tangible out of your life, yet nothing seems working...


Have you discovered your purpose? Yes, you have plans but are your plans in accordance with your purpose? You can have the right plans with the wrong purpose, indeed nothing can be so frustrating as living a purposeless life!


Before God formed us, He knew what we will be and what we will become. God’s purpose for our lives is deposited in us. God has a plan and a purpose for everyone.

Everyone whom God has made has an essence for living but the inability to discover it defines her as one without purpose, such is just like a blind man without direction.

When you discover God's purpose for your life, both you and the people around you benefit. You become more focused, more grounded and less easily ruffled. You also become a very positive source of energy to others and a leader people will want to follow. If you want to really move forward in life and advance spiritually, discover your purpose!


Oh my damsel, before I forget, let me tell you that there are distractions/obstacles that can stop you from living a life of purpose, hence making you purposeless. As a purposeful damsel, you have just one option; push through the obstacles!

Life, sometimes, presents us some daunting challenges. And the purpose driven damsel stops to ask, where do I belong? Why am I stuck? What am I meant to be doing with my life? Always long to push through the obstacles, distractions and obligations that seem to keep you stuck in the journey of purpose. You might want to ask, how then do I get through those life challenges and be at the right place I should be? Defame those challenges, do not sing their praise, do not even see them as distractions. Be determined, focus on God and you will see yourself soaring high amidst them all. Desire to discover and fulfill your unique role in the universe; the exact thing you are placed on this earth to do.


A purposeful life is not devoid of trials and error but gives allowances for improvement. When you are truly living in purpose, you’re using your gifts, talents, positions and platforms to make a positive difference in the world.

There is difference between your purpose and your position/platforms but it is so unfortunate that many have misplaced the two! Your position/platform is not your purpose but where God has placed you to fulfill your purpose.

For Queen Esther her purpose was to save the Jews but God placed her in the palace and made her the Queen for the purpose to be fulfilled. For Joseph, his purpose was to preserve lives, God brought him to Egypt and made him the prime minister, just for his purpose to find expression. You must understand and walk in your purpose, so that when you get to that position/platform you will not forget your purpose!


The purpose of God is for you to express God to the world. He reveals Himself to you so that you can reveal Him to the world. He has set you apart to fulfill His will and desires here on earth. You are created by Him, through Him and for Him. Christ is bringing you to conform to His will. He is very interested in what you do.

When you understand that God has a purpose for your live, then comes the need to align yourself with Him. God has given the Holy Spirit to reveal things to you, part of which is your purpose in life 1 Corinthians 2:9-13. You really need to give deep thought on aligning yourself with God. The highest purpose you can ever have is to reveal Christ, to be conformed to the image of His Dear Son. You need continuous fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Whatever position you occupy in life, it is an opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose. You must also come to the understanding that purpose is not about you, it is about God. It is about His will.

In order to align with God, it starts from your love for Him. My dear damsel, you must love God. He knows you and loves you; He is ever waiting for you to come into alignment. It takes a genuine walk with God to access God’s purpose for your life. You are created in God’s image, so whatever you do in life, you are to love, serve and obey Him. And if you ever feel as if you’re not living on purpose, know that God is merciful and kind and willing to work with you and on you until you get it right. Patience is required of you for God to make you into what His purpose for you is, the day Joseph dreamed was not the day he became the prime minister, it was in process; this making process can only be known and profound through your walk and fellowship with God.

“A lady who has discovered purpose is not carried away by trend, opinions, fashion and men, her desire is to know God and fulfill destiny.”


Dear damsel, God want to spend time with you alone, time uninterrupted, time to nurture, refine and mold you. Time to prepare you to carry the vision he has placed within you. Though each and every season of the making process won't always make sense at the time or what explanation can you give to someone who is to be a prime minister been sold into slavery and sentenced to prison? But at the appointed time each and every piece will make sense. The road sometimes gets a little rocky in the process, but the process is what makes you along the way. It is until you learn how to rely solely on God that the vision he gives you become unshakable. Your complete reliance on him leads you to live a purposeful life to fulfillment.



If you are yet to discover the ultimate purpose, you are just living a purposeless life! You are born with a purpose but this purpose can only be discovered in God. Are you in the dark and still living a purposeless life, God's arms is spread wide open to receive you. You might have put God out of your life for too long, for so long sin might have ruled your life, you might have an ugly past, but your purpose can still come alive in God. When you let God lead, when He becomes the focal point of your life, everything will change. There is a place in God (your purpose) that you are destined to be. Don't let anything pull you down, rise up to become that purposeful damsel you have been called to be.

Dear damsel, will you continue to live a purposeless life?

Choose you this day either to live a purposeless life or a purposeful life.

The choice is yours!

Recommended Books:

1. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

2. Plan, purpose and pursuit by Kenneth Hagin

3. Purposeless to purposeful by Shanice L. Stewart

Written By

Olufemi Busayo Dorca



  1. God makes room for every man, in this context; for every Damsel.


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