The Woman; A
Man's Jewel.
According to
the Merriam Webster a jewel is defined as a material that is highly esteemed.
And as such, it is priceless.
No one
places high value on cheap and common products. In fact, anyone in possession
of a jewel ensures its maximum protection; some even keep it with banks.
“The value a man places on a woman is
determined by her worth in his life, and the value she adds in complementing
It is also
worthy of note that the value of a jewel is in its component and composition.
So I ask you dear friend, what are you made of?
The Bible
clearly spells out the composition of the ideal woman for us, in Proverbs
31:10-31. The Scriptures call her virtuous.
Your worth
is not only determined by your physical appearance, but in the totality of what
you have to offer. Should your man be down in any area of life, can he trust
you to lift him up? Are you prepared to be profit to him, or he will be at loss
with you in his life?
Let me
conclude by admonishing you to be the woman that any man will be glad to have.
Please develop yourself in different areas, such that you will be able to
fulfill your mandate as a help meet for his assignment.
Be a woman
that loves The LORD, one clothed in honor and who speaks great wisdom. Rather
than being a burden, can you be great blessing to him?
Please make
up your mind today, to be that Godly woman, with whom God is pleased and who is
a treasure in the hands of her husband.
Be one that
God will be proud to give His son.
God bless
and keep you.
Written By
Miss. John Blessing Uyo
Be a positive influence and helpmeet to the man.