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         5. CONCLUSION


“We should not keep running in cycles, it’s high time we pick up the challenge of redirecting our goals from fancy and trends to such things as unleashing our potentials to saving our fading and failing world like a mother would save her dying child, else our families, communities, nation and the world at large may never become that place we desire to live. So Arise WOMEN, LETS SAVE OUR CHILD, LETS SAVE OUR WORLD.” Blessing Efe


The woman is a gift to man, a crafted masterpiece made by God himself to complete the man and give him strength to conquer whatever failure he may encounter. The woman is a better version of man full of deposits of potentials to birth and nurture.

Potentials are in-depth abilities to succeed or fail if and when nurtured, as the one that is improved on becomes the predominant one. For example, one can nurture the potential to fail, if instead of working on success habits he decides to sit all day complaining and doing nothing. Same way he can build on the potential to succeed when he realizes and decides to take necessary success steps? D commits to birthing them. Nevertheless, for the sake of direction, we shall focus on the positive -the ability to succeed.


Now what does it mean to be a woman who is living up to her full potentials?   A woman who lives or would live to her full potentials is one who has decided against all odds to be the best she can be while still touching others and the world at large in a warm motherly way.

     I have read of and also seen women who constantly remind me of pace blazers who in their own little ways have changed systems, affected governments, imparted families and touched lives in ways that even the strongest arms have not been able to do. We talk of the likes of Oprah Winfrey who despite her rough background fought her way to a place where the whole world recognizes her. What about our very home girl, permit me to call her so Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Angelique Kidjo, Nadia Murad, the first to speak on human trafficking to the United Nations Security Council, Queen Esther a slave girl turned queen and saved her nation from destruction.

Note: None of them would have been able to do what they are recognized for if they had left their potentials untouched. This should be a driving force to all women to unleash their potentials and be their best selves. Certainly this has placed a desire in me to learn from such women and become one myself no matter what.


Meanwhile, it is worthy of note, that the woman's potentials represent the largest emerging market in the world, I Therefore urge every sleeping potential to awake because is waiting.

             “Potentials are visible attitudes or abilities to succeed if devolved. They are actions that drive our successes.” Karen Gately

They are enclosed in our talents, knowledge, experiences, skills etc.

It is essential to note that every human has a potential and non is void of it.  Therefore, it becomes an individual's decision to either unleash or lock them in a safe, but be aware according to Marylin Hickey that,

 “no matter how capable we are, unless we choose to apply our potentials we are likely not going to reach the heights we were either born to or desire to reach.”


1. First and foremost it is compulsory to discover yourself by finding out those things that makes you unique and stand out. That thing in you that has the highest chance of succeeding if worked on. This can be achieved through self-focus.  Self-focus is the ability to direct conscious attention on yourself, thoughts, emotions and desires.  It is your ability to consciously analyze your mental and emotive states.

NB: "whoever will get to his ultimate destination is one who has decided to leverage on the power of focus." Tosin Tope Babalola.

Self-focus also requires that you are trying to be more of yourself and the best you can be rather than trying to be someone else.

After finding yourself and discovering your potential, stay committed to improving on yourself to be your best. Stay committed to actualizing project YOU as you are now a project to be completed.

2. On a second note, you must take ownership and responsibility. This means being aware of what you have inside and committing to bringing it in its best form. This may require you to learn new strategies, relearn good habits and unlearn good skills and attitudes. This also involves taking new steps every day to making your potentials catchy. Set challenging but achievable goals and commit them.

3. Very importantly also, you must let go poop f any form of fear; either of failure, rejection or criticism. when you discover your ministry (potential) and you start developing it, expect criticism even though they may hurt you. (Marylin Hickey) Always remember you have to be judge before given the prize. Meanwhile the Bible gave us a hint to deal with failures in (proverbs 22:16) “That the righteous man falls seven times but rises up again. The good news is that there is a rising unless you choose to stay down.”

4. Finally showcase that gift, talent or skill that has these success potentials.  There's a rule I live by, which is; I live everyday prepared to succeed, in small and big ways and if I don't achieve that success but others do, I celebrate with them and brace up for the next opportunity because the next might just be mine. So come out without shame or deal let buyers see what you are selling because no one will know if they are neither shown nor told. Every day is an exhibition day.


         I therefore urge you to have faith in God and yourself, believe that you can do it and you will. This doesn't mean there won't be challenges, but rather than be affected by them, convert them to energy and work with them when needful. Pressure yourself but let no one pressure you as you can't satisfy others, but you can be fulfilled in yourself. Be concerned about your achievements and not pleasing people. Patience is very important, although it tarry, wait it will speak as the Bible rightly puts it. 

“Remember the eagle didn't just start by soaring, but first learnt how to fly likewise the rain didn't just start pouring, it first gathered its water. So I say, it is the birthing of a new day, the rising of the Woman, one who only says yes I can, so I'm doing it and nothing, not even me can stop myself until I get there.” -Blessing Efe


 Unleashing your potentials by Dr.  Myles Munroe


Efe Blessing Avwiroro.


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