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  POWER OF SELF- CONFIDENCE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING. Introduction: Communication is the stronghold of all kinds of relationship, be it marital, friendship, career etc. Relationships are sustained and maintained by effective communication. Your ability to clearly and confidently articulate your thought, puts you at a vantage position, it gives you an edge, wherever you find yourself. No matter how educated your speech maybe, if you're unable to articulate it or share it with your audience, it is useless, or let me say, no matter how sophisticated your speech or idea is, if you cannot articulate it clearly or precisely because of fear or shyness, it is valueless. You must learn to speak and express yourself confidently. You can do it. Welcome to today's session. Public speaking is an act that can be mastered by anyone, all you need are ; 1. Believe in yourself 2. Dedication toward becoming a better version of yourself 3. Ready to learn and unlearn. According to the E...


  BE CREATIVE  MAKE YOUR HANDS USEFUL.   Creativity is first a mindset and then an attitude. There is no problem we come face to face with that is new, they have all taken place and were either tackled or not. It is how you solve that same problem that determines how creative you are. " We are all capable of doing great things, but not everyone would do great things or achieve greatness." Greatness is not cheap, some persons like cheap things, they rather settle for less than the best, because they don't want stress. They rather clap for the best, than endure the rigours of becoming the best. We're worth more than what our eyes can see, but we need to work more than the crowd to become that thing which we were created to be. "Nothing good comes easy, I hope you've heard it before? You have to put both your mind and hands to work to achieve the greatness you desire if not you will wallow in hunger. Greatness won't fall on you, you will be th...


  GIFTED “ You were given your gift for the joy you may give in return”- Cornelius Elmore INTRODUCTION: The word gift can be used interchangeably with talents depending on the context in which it is been used, in this case, it can be used.  According to the English mini dictionary, Gift means: 'A talent or natural ability', while Gifted means, 'Endowed with special, in particular intellectual, abilities'. Nobody was created empty, nor made without a purpose to fulfill on earth. Our journey on earth is one that is defined by our purpose and conditioned by time. We live within the coordinates of time.  Some will say we're limited by time; others will say we're motivated by time. It all depends on what you see and believe, and it matters a lot what you think about time.   ATTITUDE The way we approach the issue of time depends on our mindset, some persons are professional time wasters, some are average time-wasters while a few are time managers. It i...


  TOPIC: WHY WE MISS OPPORTUNITIES. “Opportunity comes to those who seek for it, not those who wait for it.” Opportunities don't wait for anyone, you have to seek and find them.           Opportunities are everywhere, they exist around us, they increase by the day as knowledge increase, you have to build capacity to maximize them.   Most persons have been forced to believe that opportunities are meant for some few “lucky” fellows, that’s a lie, anyone can encounter opportunities, it all depends on your level of preparation and commitment to take the bold and impossible step. Michael Dell said, “It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we’ve always mapped our path.” Try to live beyond the status quo.   REASONS WHY PEOPLE LOSE/MISS OPPORTUNITIES. There are diverse reasons why people miss/loss opportunities, but I'll focus on just three reasons, they're as follow; 1.      LACK OF SELF-D...


  I Am A Woman INTRODUCTION: After birth, as we grew, we were taught to understand the implication of our gender, the consequences of making wrong actions and attributes that distinguish you from the male gender. For some of us, we raised questions, our minds wondered ‘Why is it so hard to be a woman or a girl, as the case may be?’ But other times, we uttered words like ‘Thank God I'm not a man'. So we found ourselves accepting our gender definition when the condition was favorable and appealing, and also wishing we had made another choice, if we could, as far as gender was concerned. May I remind you that once you cannot accept or appreciate the fact that you came as a woman, you would always find fault in ‘being a woman', you would never consider yourself good enough as a woman. CAN I BE ANYTHING ELSE? Let's talk about me for a moment. I am a woman (well, I would define myself better as a Lady, with respect to age and marital status). But, the list progres...