“Opportunity comes to those who seek
for it, not those who wait for it.” Opportunities don't wait for anyone, you
have to seek and find them. Opportunities are everywhere, they exist around us,
they increase by the day as knowledge increase, you have to build capacity to
maximize them.
Most persons have been forced to believe that opportunities are meant for some few “lucky” fellows, that’s a lie, anyone can encounter opportunities, it all depends on your level of preparation and commitment to take the bold and impossible step.
Michael Dell said, “It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we’ve always mapped our path.” Try to live beyond the status quo.
There are diverse reasons why people
miss/loss opportunities, but I'll focus on just three reasons, they're as
“The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.” Myles Monroe
A great philosopher called Heraclitus
once said, "O man know thyself." This is a call to knowing oneself.
Discovering yourself is where everything begins.
Self-discovery is very crucial to living an authentic life. Be true and intentional about who you want to be by journeying within and discovering who you truly are.
When you don't know who you are,
you'll continue to dwell in the shadows of other people's opinions.
Knowing yourself gives you a lot of
advantages, and one such advantage is that You'll know your bearing and
direction in life.
-Opportunities come to those who have
discovered themselves, faster than those who live by chance and are controlled
by the opinions of others.
Oprah Winfrey said, “I was once afraid of people
saying “who does she think she is? Now I have the courage to stand and say,
“This is who I am.” Confidence is a product of self-awareness
Opportunities will not just come to you, they will try you to see if you deserve, and capable of maximizing them.
- Self-discovery is as important as
knowing your name.
- If you do not know yourself, how do
you know what you want?
People have been writing about planning for as long as
people have been putting pen to paper. The importance of preparing cannot be overemphasized.
Every Entrepreneur, project manager, team leader, army general, architect, or successful people, in general, knows the importance of preparation and planning. Try building a house without planning or a car with a design in mind.
Bishop Oyedepo said, "You do not
prepare for battle during the battle, but you prepare for battle before the battle.
The bible said, "No man who is set to
build a house will not first sit down to plan."
Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” Abraham Lincoln faced a lot of challenges as a president. If he had not prepared and planned adequately, America would have divided long ago. Never embark on a journey or project you did not prepare for. An hour of planning can save many years of failure and unproductivity.
Nothing good in life comes easy,
you'll have to be intentional about it and prepare for it.
Opportunities can see, they flow only to those who are capable and prepared. They have wings they fly away once they sense a lack of seriousness and unpreparedness, after all a goal without a plan is a mere wish.
Let me ask you when the opportunity
you have been praying and fasting for comes, will it meet you prepared?
“We can improve our relationship with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.”- Joyce Meyer
Relationship is an inexplicable resource,
it is pivotal to our survival and rising in life.
Apt. Joshua Selman said, “Relationships
are advantageous connections.”
We are all products of relationship
one way or the other, we are defined by our relationship with others. No one is in a relationship that is not influenced one way or the other by
- Relationship pays! There are men
who don't have money but have influence; Relationship is influence and the
higher and qualitative your relationships are, the faster and higher you rise
in life. “No man is an Island in himself” we all need someone to strengthen and
lift us.
No man rises by mistake, check very
well someone or some persons contributed to his rising.
- Relationship is the most valuable currency
in the world, its value exceeds that of any currency note in the world, name
it; dollar, pounds, naira, etc. The value of relationship transcends borders. A
Nigerian can be a friend to a Japanese and such relationship will be mutually
beneficial, a Brazilian can be a business partner to a Congolese, and such a relationship
will blossom. Wherever you find yourself, try to create the right relationship.
If you don’t value relationships, you’ll not enjoy the benefit of relationships.
Don’t be anti-relationship, some people are schooled in the act of
breaking relationships.
- Relationship does not manage or service
themselves; They are managed and serviced by us, it is our responsibility to
make our relationship with others work. We must place a priority on relationships and not just things. The thing will fade away with time
and circumstance, but a relationship doesn’t, when nurtured, it has the ability to preserve one’s future and even generation. For example, in the relationship
between David and Jonathan in the bible, even after the death of Jonathan David
sought for survival in the house of Saul that he would show kindness to for
the sake of his relationship with Jonathan. (2 Samuel 9:1).
You can do away with things, but you
can't trivialize relationships and make it in life.
1. Invest in relationship.
2. Be the right person, don't look
for the right person.
3. Reach out to your friends, instead of waiting for them to reach out to you.
Writer: Clarkson Oghenerume Adebayo Esq.
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