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There are things in life that are fundamental to our success in life, nothing just happens. “no one gives what they do not have”. ( NEMO QUOD NON-HABET

I will like to inform you that as you sojourn on this plane of existence, you must keep in mind the following.

Keep in mind that you are specially created by God almighty in his image and likeness: He made you so, in other for you to hold the torch of authority over all He created, therefore you're not a mistake irrespective of your family background, race or sex. Never! Live life with a defeated mentality or allow inferiority complex drown you, your success is already guaranteed in God.

Keep in mind that you are unique: the fact that you're not Genevieve, Will Smith, Cristiano Ronaldo, Bill Gate or T. D Jakes, does not make you less of a person. You are you! That’s the most important thing, and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Instead of wishing to be somebody else or looking down on yourself or talking negatively of yourself. Create your own unique you, that others would want to model.

 "Nobody becomes somebody by wishing to be somebody else."

"Allow the true you to come out, the softer side, the edgier side, the creative side, the more organized side, the driven side, the liberated side, the "Who cares what people think" and the "this makes me feel alive" side"- T. D Jakes. 

Be your greatest fan, because if you think you'll find one out there, you'll wait for a long! long! Time. There are more committed critics than committed fan out there, so believe in your uniqueness and explore it.

-Keep in mind the fact that nothing good comes easy. 

Everything good took a lot of effort to create, you can ask God when you get to heaven, I think he has the best answer for this. 

"Nothing good comes out of the blues." You have to decide, be determined and hard-working to create something the world will celebrate.

On December 28th, I was invited to speak at an online conference on the topic, "The brand calls you." 

Dear friend, it takes sacrifice to create a 'you' that the world will celebrate. I mean if the world will celebrate you, you have to be better than what you use to be, you have to offer something that no ordinary person can offer.

Do you think if greatness is cheap every dick and Harry won't achieve it? 

The secret of greatness is "Doing common things in an uncommon way." Says a great man. 

Never trivialize the power of creativity, explore the gifts and talents God has given you, they are not for showmanship.

-Keep in mind that no one owes you anything.

Some people go around with an entitlement mentality, either they feel their parents are responsible for their success or failure or their uncles or aunties need to take care of their needs or their friends need to escort them to their destiny destination. 

Such kind of people ends up as mediocre and failures in life. You must take responsibility for your life, let every other person be a Spectator. When you make every other person responsible and make yourself a spectator, it will reduce you to a mere puppet. You cannot afford to be a puppet in your journey to fulfilling destiny. Be serious with your life, be fully responsible for everything that happens and will happen. When you learn to take responsibility for your life, it will enable you to avoid some common mistakes you would ordinarily have overlooked. 

-Keep in mind that you need others: 

No one becomes great in isolation, there will be a time when you'll need others to point you in the right direction. Build the right relationship, make friends with those who are intentional about fulfilling purpose. Connect with those heading toward your destination in life, not those heading elsewhere. 

Bring into your cycle optimistic people, and avoid pessimists, run away from negative and cynical people, because they can cause you to see darkness at the end of the tunnel even when light is shining so bright. Negative people can cause a delay in your life. 

No matter how insignificant you think your goal may be, with optimistic friends such a goal can be transformed into something mega. 

"Relationships are our greatest resource." You cannot surround yourself with monolithic relationships and tap into the full release of your potential. 

-Keep in mind that challenges are part of life:

 life is not a journey void of challenges it is a companion of life. Nobody walks through life without encountering challenges. Challenges are not meant to keep us down but to put us on our toes and let us know we are still humans. 

The purpose of challenges is to make us better and not bitter.

If you have not failed before you will think your idea or vision is the best or you might even think you're the best out there. Challenges humble a lot of people and put them in perspective and straighten their head.

When you come face to face with challenges, your response should not be to chicken out, or to give up on yourself or dream, but face it boldly and don't run from it. It will make you stronger and better. 

Always keep the important things of life in mind, and cast distraction in the abeyance.

Written By Clarkson O. Adebayo


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