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” Oftentimes ladies become products of the opinions of others, rather become what God want them to be”

In almost every sphere, a woman one way or the other has been limited or is being limited.


We are in a society where less is expected from the women folks. A society where a woman is seen as a second hand entity and nothing else. A society where boundaries are set for the woman in the home, church, office, community, and whenever she tries to go beyond the status quo she's questioned and ignored. Being a woman naturally comes with its own restrictions and challenges. But as women we must choose to deliberately break out from every negative and prolonged limitations.


Every woman is dealing with something, either a physical weakness of some kind or past disappointments and negative occurrences which may be difficult letting go. Some may be dealing with spiritual, financial, mental, family and educational limitations. However, no woman has to remain limited. No woman is even permitted to sentence herself to self-pity because whatever it is that pose as a challenge.


Sarah and Hannah felt limited by their inability to bear children but broke free in the place of prayers,

Deborah broke free from leadership limitations by being the first female judge in Israel,

Mary the mother of Jesus broke free from unrecognized background by divine favor,

Mary Magdalene broke free from her filthy past because she chose to find solace in Christ and not in herself or her past lifestyle,

Dorcas (Tabitha) broke free from financial limitations and was known for her extreme giving to the early church and the believers,

Women like Kathryn khulma, Maria Wood-worth Etter, Aimee Semple MacPherson, Lottie Moon, Ruth Billy Graham, Daisy Washburn Osborne, Gloria Copeland among others, broke free from religious norms, and did great wonders in the body of Christ.

Joyce Meyer broke free from her sexually and physically abusive past by her father, to a woman who is impacting lives for Christ all around the world. And the list keeps going on and on of women going beyond the limits and the status quo.

We can change the paths of generations that follow just by declaring and acting on God's promises. Why settle for the great? when God wants us to do the impossible!

As women, we need to see ourselves as God sees us. Take off the chains of the past that bind you, that holds you back and whispers defeat.

“Let's break free from self-limiting beliefs!

Let's unleash the treasure within us!

Let's go beyond the ordinary!

Let's break the limits!”



Woman without limits by DAISY WASHBURN OSBORN)

Written by

Ruth Eboye

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