Man in a general sense can be seen in various dimensions. Man can be looked at in the dimension of Masculinity or even a mature Male.
MAN as he was first tagged by God is the most unique creature among-st all other things God Created. This man is not a thing; He was created to be an extension of the Divine God that is why the word for his creation had to come from the deeper dimensions of God “Let us make man in our image and likeness.”
“The purpose of something determines its nature, design, and features.” -Myles Munroe.
The Popular Merriam Webster Dictionary Defines Work as:To perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations.
Activity that a person engages in regularly to earn a livelihood.An action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists.
It also defines Man as:A member of the human race.
After God had created man in His entirety (Spirit, Soul, and Body) He created for him a jurisdiction for his operation which is “Earth” as represented by the Garden of Eden. Your work is within your geographical location.
Genesis 2:15 reads “And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it” from the scripture above we can see one of the works God gave to man. To dress will mean to prune and ensure that that which God has put in his hand will continually blossom and gives glory to God.
To keep will mean protecting the heritage of God or the work of God against evil or trespassers. He is thus a Guardian and protector of God’s creation.
God created man with a complete package, everything he needed for his survival, and sustenance was within him. He did not create man to survive but to reign and rule over all that He(God) created.
Myles Munroe in his book “Understanding the role of Men” says what a real man is? Someone who knows the reality of who he is and who lives in that reality. This knowledge starts with understanding the significance of being created purposefully by God.
Another work God gave to mankind is to have Dominion. We often refer to this as the dominion mandate.
The plan of Creation was this: as God ruled the unseen realm in heaven, man would rule the visible realm on earth with the mandate of God, and appreciate, enjoy, and share in ruler ship and know how it feels to be little gods. ‘It’s important to realize that man was created not only for fellowship with God but also with a responsibility to fulfill God’s purpose on the earth.
”It’s a pity that people use their worship of God as an excuse for negligence in other areas of their lives and they end up living a life of mediocrity.”
No man can love God more than Christ Jesus, however throughout his pilgrimage on earth He was so consumed with His work, that He had no time for trivial things, each time He would say, ‘my meet is to do the will of the father.’
Today Man is plagued with a lot of activities that render him unproductive, although it seem he is making progress. In our generation we have the highest number of purposeless and selfish men, men whose goal in life is just to impregnate a lady, father a child(ren), get a small job and then wait for pension all the days of their lives.
The creative dimension of God Which He gave to man is often used for the wrong reason, it’s in our dispensation we hear of cyber-crime, high level of ritual among youths (Yahoo plus), cultism, and the likes, etc. Man was given freedom to exhibit creative dimension of God, while governing the physical earth and all the other living things that dwell in it. The earth is to be ruled over, taken care of, fashioned, and molded by beings made in the image of their Creator. In this way, man is meant to reflect the loving and creative Spirit of God in all he does.
CONCLUSION:God wants to expose His character, nature, principles, precepts, and righteous judgment to the visible world. However, He can only do this through man, even though the fall of man brought humanity out from under God ‘s purposes, Christ redeemed us so we could be restored to His original plans for us. Dominion over the earth is not a mirage, it is God’s eternal plan for man to dominate the earth.
Man must, therefore, strive to be a visionary leader, protector, provider, cultivator, and teacher, in other fulfill the purpose of God upon his life to his generation.
His wife, children, family, society, country, continent, the world, and generations need him to express the kingship and priestly dimension of God in other to impact and preserve all that has been placed in his hands.
Recommended Book: Understanding the role of Men – Myles Munroe.
Mr. Daniel Emmanuel
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