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“Marriage is a very crucial part of human existence and it is the life blood of the society at large, because what the community will look like Strongly rest on what families look like and what families looks like depends on the Kind of head(man) and the neck(wife) that supports it”


Society has suffered a great deal because we haven't given attention to family life which obviously determines a lot of things.

We would not be able to fully look into this discussion if we do not grasp God's intentions for man and then God's intentions for giving him a help meet for him.




God saw that it wasn't good for man to be alone, I'm carrying out the purposes of God man needs a help meet for him, it is the man and his wife that will become a family and establish the purposes of God in the society if darkness abides in a community, it is reflective of the fact that the families in that community have failed to establish the counsel of God in that locality, even the devil knows how powerful the structure of the family is. Whether or not the Earth will see the visitation of God again, it depends on the man and his wife.




Gen.2.24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

A man that his fit to have a wife is one who doesn't rely on his parents anymore for finance or decision making, a man is one that must be able to make his own decisions, any man who is still under the influence of his parents in the area of decision making cannot lead a woman into the purposes of God correctly such a man is a child and not a man fit for marriage yet.




A lot of marriage has been built on the threshold of pleasure and reproduction and while this is good it wasn't the original design, the original design was that God would be the center of the marriage and it would serve his purpose even in produces goodly seeds

We have just two kinds of marriage Genesis 2 and Genesis 3, the former identifies with God while the latter doesn't, it is our prayer that correct marriages will surface in this time. Many of the challenges that society faces are largely traced to a bad marriage in many ways which includes poor child upbringing amidst many others




The rib which God took from man, made he a woman, God took something out of the man to make the woman, the purposes of God are vast and every man has and allowed portion in it. God sees the specific need in every man before giving him a wife, many schools of thought suggest that God doesn't have to be involved in the selection process of a marriage partner, I will say it is safer as the bible puts it in the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 19:14, "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD."

“Whosoever the Lord brings to you, it is because what he must have taken out of you he had used in making her, only when we trust God would we make the right choices.”

The prophet Ezekiel was instructed to prophesy to bones and after he did the bones became a mighty army even at this time God is gathering correct bones in marriage and setting them in motion even so Lord bond is two by two set on ablaze and use us to consume the camp of the Philistines.



God made a pronouncement after the fall of Adam that the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent. The seed eventually came, JESUS himself but he came to a woman that was worthy to birth him, raise him correctly, he came to a father that could protect him from Herod, even if he was a promising child, his destiny would have ended if Joseph was not a correct man. These days God is looking for marriages that would protect their children from the Herod, Herod is everywhere, in schools, on Television everywhere.


When God saw that Hannah’s prayer didn’t serve his purpose he didn’t answer until she prayed his will because God needed someone to fill the shoes of Eli around that time, God is not emotional about things as this, why should God give a child to a family if they won’t raise him in the way of the lord? Did not even God testify of Abraham when he said in genesis 18:19


"For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken."


It is important that we realize that when God doesn’t get goodly seeds from “goodly marriages” he will have to do extra work to make those children know him, in the matter of the man and his wife God is also interested in the children.

Marriage is God’s idea it is a wonderful and beautiful thing; it must be done God's way in order to achieve maximum result.

“A real man is one who influences his wife to achieve greatness, he is a father, mentor, friend, teacher and priest to his spouse or wife.”



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