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Man is the apex and most significant part of the creation of God. God thrust the Earth into his hands to maintain it and to dominate over other creations of His. Man has since been in dominance over the activities on Earth. It is worthy of note to know that God created man in His own likeness and image. So, Man is the representation of God on Earth. By implication, lots are expected of Man beyond dominance. He is to live like God in character and values. Among-st many other characters and values of God are Integrity, Righteousness, Justice, Love, etc.

Our focus in this section is on the subject of Integrity. Many have discussed extensively on Integrity, so I’ll like to reference them while I drive home the point on the need to have Integrity in our dealings and interactions. Charles Spurgeon, in his quest to explain the dire need of the display of integrity, said “Nothing reflects so much honor on a workman as a trial of his work and its endurance of it. So it is with God. It honors Him when His saints preserve their integrity.” What then is Integrity and of what value is the possession of Integrity?

Integrity is the display of a consistent and uncompromising adherence to sound moral and ethical convictions, principles, and values in all circumstances, even when no one seems to be at watch over you. It means you are sincere to yourself and would do nothing that would demean or dishonor you. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. Danny Anderson, a clergyman, in an attempt to explain what integrity is, he said, “Integrity is when our behavior matches our beliefs. It is when what you say and what you do match up. You have integrity when your private life and your public life align. It’s when you walk your talk and practice what you preach.” 

Life often presents to us choices to make per time. Only men of strong persuasion of what they have believed would stand to do exactly what is dimmed right, without seeking the acceptance of anyone in any regard. The systems of the world have been much corrupted such that values as Integrity, Honesty, truthfulness, etc., appear odd when displayed. The lack of integrity that is prevalent in our world today comes with a huge cost. The price we pay is a loss of trust. Trust is absolutely essential in order for a society, a business, or a relationship to function well. Quite a lot of organizations have seen the need to make integrity one of their core values because it enhances the continuity of businesses and ensures a strong bond between parties.

It should be noted that Integrity is a great and priceless virtue whatever be the cost to pay for it. Keeping to ones promises even if it takes extra effort, going back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for, informing the cashier he gave you too much change back, remaining true to your spouse or partner, ignoring bits of advice that suggest irresponsible living, not divulging confidential information, etc., are a few of the examples of the life of a man of Integrity.

Integrity is a timeless principle that gives moral authority, that alone should encourage every man to wear it like garment every day; at home, in the workplace, at the bus stops, religious centers, market places, etc. At the workplace, a Man of Integrity would:

  • Work when he is supposed to and save socializing, snacking, searching the internet, and personal phone calls for break time.
  • Show respect to coworkers with appropriate conversation and empathy
  • Adhere to company policies and procedures
  • Use materials for work and not personal use
  • Make sure everything is on the table and nothing left out when making a business deal
  • Refuse, if the organization asks him to do something against his personal code of conduct. He doesn’t mind losing a good-paying job.




“Perhaps the surest test of an individual is its blunt refusal to be compromised.” – Chinua Achebe

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not” – Oprah Winfrey

“It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader; but without integrity, you will never be one.” – Zig Ziegler

“Integrity has no need of rules.” – Albert Camus

“Integrity is like the oil in an engine. It makes the whole thing run smoothly. Without it, everything is in danger of breakdown.” – Danny Anderson

“The supreme value for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible. No matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” Dwight D Eisenhower

“To have a sustaining influence, you must have integrity.” – Peace Bakare

Integrity is a moral value; hence it can be developed if deficiency is discovered. So many advantages of a life of Integrity. Some are:

1.    Integrity keeps us close to God – It is the nature of God; He loves those who appreciate it

2.    Integrity guides your life – “The integrity of the upright guides them…” Proverbs 11:3

3.    Integrity brings peace – A French proverb says “There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.” Quite very true!

4.    Integrity earns us trust and influence – Relationships fail, businesses fail, politicians fail because of lack of integrity. They couldn’t keep to their word.

5.    Integrity brings moral authority – A life of integrity is a fearless one and commands respect.



Recommended Book:

The Speed of Trust by Steven Covey, Jr.


Written By

Peace Bakare


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