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Your life is yours to live, you can decide to live it or allow others to live it for you or destroy it for you.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Bukola, he was known all over his city as a great orator, whenever he appears in any occasion, such occasion comes alive, when he speaks even angels are convinced...

This man was the delight of so many parties and functions in several cities. His wife always surrenders to him whenever they argue because he has a way of making her change her mind, one day he paid a visit to an old woman whose land was placed on the market when he arrived her house, she offered him a sit, cold drink, and even food, he was surprised, his attempt to reject her offer was aborted.

After he finishing his meal, he decided to tell her the reason for coming, as he was trying to present his offer, the old woman told him to come back tomorrow, he was surprised because nobody has done this to him before. He went and then return the next day when he arrived her house, she offered him a seat and offered him a plate of amala and Ewedu soup, at the sight of it he could not resist, he ate after eating, he went to her in the sitting room, as he was about to tell her his reason for coming, she asked him to come back tomorrow, this continued for a whole month, his boss at work was surprised, this had never happened before.

One day when he got to her house she offered him a sit, he said it doesn't want to sit, she offered him food, his best (Ewedu and pounded yam) at the sight of it he salivated, but was able to summon the strength to resist.

After some time, the old said, " Each time you come here, you forget what brings you here until after eating my food, you never said thank you, you never appreciated the meal, you never thought of the fact that I'm an old woman, that ought to be given to and taken from, anyway I can see that you're selfish, stingy and you're not focused. In life you cannot get without giving, you cannot love without sacrificing and achieve anytime meaningful without being the focus.

I've learned how to talk less because it helps me think more and know people more.

I decided to see if you'll change after a month and you have, I've been watching you for some time now, it appears you now speak less and listen more, can't you see how happy your wife has been? Can't you see that your colleagues respect you more than before?

Taking responsibility precedes talking over responsibility. You have been in one position for five years because you always look for the easy way out, but in two months you have received a double promotion because you decided to put in your best and no excuses.

I own the company you work, don't be surprised, for your information, there is no land for sale, however, I have a gift for you, take this document it is Certificate of Occupancy written in your name, the property belongs to you now.

Nothing good comes to those who wait and fold their hands, looking for an excuse to cover their laziness."

Mr. Bukola laid down and greeted her, she told him to stand and go and eat his favorite meal, he was overjoyed, however, everything she said, struck a chord in his mind, he resigned from his job after a year and started a restaurant business, he suffered losses for good 6months, but on the seventh month the business increased rapidly and it became a busy place in the entire city.


" It is only when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are."– Allanah Hunt


"Whatever you choose to become is your choice, nothing is too big or nothing is impossible to achieve, just believe in yourself and work toward it, don't just talk about it, take action on it."


Taking Responsibility: Self-Reliance and the Accountable Life: Nathaniel Branden.





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