Perhaps, we are not afraid to die But of our kin vanishing when we stagger with cravings Of our voices echoing in empty homes Empty homes that once roared with thrill and glee For if we sit and think of the life a single breath holds, How shortly a name sticks in our mouths, And how very shortly it vanishes We will be still With purpose in our eyes, we roam the earth The lies we live guard against reality and true persona The alarm goes off, We jump into the streets to a place we many a time hate To an environment that gives our souls treachery colours Time is a monster When it takes, it takes everything Do you know why we write our names on things? Perchance if your answer is same as mine, We should write our names on our bodies too. Then again, we do not. Because we own ourselves? No That golden recollection of who we are is what we own Especially in a world that forgets The silence can stroll in anytime The lips that once said our names will shut their doors You see, warnings ...